Thanks David - another excellent analysis- we need a ground swell of opposition to Tulsi Gabbard

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Stria was also letting Russia use its ports as a base of operations in the Mediterranean if my memory serves me correctly.

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My reading of Trump’s tweet:


is that this is a message to one person and one person only, namely Putin. Some sort of promise to take no advantage.

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I would be interested in your thoughts on the Qatar-Turkey pipeline that has been stalled for over a decade due to Russian control of Assad. The fall of Assad must be bad for Russia, but is it still good for the Gulf states? Or has decline in Fossil Fuel consumption hurt the prospects for pipeline investors?

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Thanks! Great article. Very clear and concise, and helpful.

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Well said David. The overhanging concern is whether Turkey will intervene to prevent an independent Kurdistan.

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Thank you for recognizing that Putin, despite his control of the Republican Party and mastery of U.S. politics is otherwise a failure. Opposing trumpism and its surrender to this guy, and avoiding the corporate media veneration of Putin is going to require leadership, not caution.

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I saw a report that Israel was trying to do a land grab in Syria to expand Israel’s territory. If true, there is nothing Netanyahu won’t try to expand Israel. What a jerk.

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It's interesting how history will sometimes break in unexpected ways when least expected to do so.

You are so right about the fall of Assad having serious implications for us. If a large enough number of the millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey and Europe decide to go back in the next few months, perhaps it will counterbalance the power of Muslim fundamentalists and prevent the country from sliding into the kind of religious fundamentalism that became dominant in Iran after the downfall of the Shah. At the very least, it will begin to release the economic pressures on Germany, France and Italy, among other European nations, and lead to a resurgence of liberal values over rightwing dogma based on fear.

If that starts to happen, will it also serve to expedite the downfall of the fascists here? One thing's for sure: Putin, Trump and the oligarchs can't be pleased.

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Bravo !!! Brava !!! To the families of Syria !!

Blessing to each one of them. Their children will grow up in a Democracy! Imagine that.

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I can imagine the people of Iran with their wish for democracy coming true. Imagine women not having to hide their faces !! They’ve already shown us they can by burning their scarfs.

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so helpful, thank you David.

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Thank you for a clear and concise explanation of the events. It will be interesting to see how the confirmations progress, given this, on top of everything else.

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🔸Religion: 'Pudding is the only way' 'Pasta is the only way' 'Salad is the only way'

🔸Spiritual: 'It's all food'

Mystics are the root and trunk of the same tree, the branches of which are different religions.

From youtube film "With One Voice"


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How to Prevent "MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock worship of dictators

❤️ Grow joyful unifying structures

❤️ c 1st 📈


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Best analysis I've read so far. Thanks, David.

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