The ME is such a complicated part of the world that many with a Western mindset never can grasp the concept of tribal leadership that has been going on for centuries. I for one never could wrap my mind around their constant upheavals with each other. Israel's democracy has always been fragile.

Whatever the outcome of this arrangement, it will now be in the hands of 2 criminals. Those innocent caught in the middle of this conflict is the saddest part to this story. Women and children the greatest loss.

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This is a joke! Israel is NOT the Palestinians problem. Hamas (and the PA and Iran is). Hamas has been robbing billions and billions of dollars from the Palestinians for 75 years. Making billionaires out of their leaders while leaving the majority of Palestinian lay people in poverty. The only goals of both the PA and Hamas (and Iran) is to kill Jews and eliminate Israel. THAT is the real and ONLY reason there has NEVER been a real deal between Israel and the Palestinians...and the reason this will also be meaningless in the end. Hamas sees this as a victory and will try to regroup and the fighting will begin anew. Less than an hour ago, Hamas fired a rocket into Israel. This is 100% the reality of the conflict. If you don't believe it, it's time for you to reset your expectations.

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David, thanks for the summary, and also for what your guest shared today on the podcast. I enjoy hearing from these journalists, who always provide trenchant commentary.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I predict that 1/3 to ½ of all Trump appointees will be fired in the next 2 years, by him. Anyone agree ?

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Let’s cut to the chase here: Trump and Netanyahu were BOTH trying to stay out of jail.

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Feels like a repeat of what Reagan did to Carter. Except Biden made an intial error in the extent of his weoponizing of Israel.

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Agreed. The journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step which can be very difficult and painful when there has been significant in jury on both sides.

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I’m grateful for what is, mourning for the losses and the untold trauma. Sending a million wishes for a world where the value of all life is a priority.

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This has been very frustrating since October 8th. Then Israel had the right to attack Palestine. After a month Netanyahu should have stopped or the U.S. should have ceased sending money and weapons. It is ethnic cleansing. Netanyahu is trying to wipe every Palestinian off the face of the earth. It will ruin Biden’s legacy.

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Thank you for the explanation. I guess we shouldn't hold our collective breath as to what Israel will really do.

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Thank you for the straight talk.

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