I worry for all you & all the journalists who have & who are continuing to speak out and speak truth to power. I worry for all of us who are also speaking up and taking to the streets to protest this authoritarian regime. And yet, I share your concerns that if we don’t all speak up and take actions of resistance there will be nothing left to fight for. Not only are we fighting for now, we are fighting for future generations.

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As a much smaller potato than you, and one with a tiny alarm bell that few people hear (I compare it to the shrieking of an ant in a lion’s den), I have to admit I have felt the same reservation (if not quite fear, yet) as you express. Never once in my three decade career as an American diplomat did I imagine we could face such a situation at home. Never once could I imagine myself more ethically or politically comfortable sitting on the other side of the (negotiating) table. Until now. But we need to build a broad based movement that transcends partisan and ideological associations—let’s call it the coalition of the rational and reasonable who favor the survival of our constitutional republic—or face the dystopian consequences. Where are our republican friends in Congress?

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Good trouble! Bravo! Bravo!

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I’ve been afraid for anyone who speaks out after reading that many of the Republicans who disagreed with cabinet picks changed their votes out of fear for their families. How far will we let the Proud Boys and LEAN type groups go? It’s now only state and local police, and anyone under the top ranks willing to buck the boss now at the federal level.

Hoping and praying we, the masses, can do something before it gets too far.

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Thank you for expressing how many of us feel!

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I worry about the same thing. But I can’t be silent about the horror that has captured our country.

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Of course, I feel threatened. Trump's minions are certainly trawling through the names of those contributing to organizations and candidates who pose some threat to him.

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The threat of retribution is in itself a powerful agent of oppression. Even if the threat is not direct but implied--as when you hear about a colleague who has suffered from an idealogue's efforts to silence him--it serves to silence you.

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Yes. In fact I woke up one morning last week feeling exactly like that after writing in capital letters, Trump is a traitor in the reply to someone's note. (Honestly I worry far more for that person than I do for myself.)

However, I am 72 and none of us get to live forever. I don't live anywhere near my children and I have plenty to say. So when I have something to say with meaning and purpose I am going to say it.

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I’m a little apprehensive as well. You spoke to me here. You gave word to many of my own feelings.

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I was born overseas and came to this country because of political oppression. My, then, future father in law and a dear uncle were both jailed, prisoners due to their opposition to the government. Is it not pretty. But yes, because of my personal experience, it appears to me, we are going to be facing this situation, soon. It’s frightening. Here in the states, people don’t understand the threat, and many believe, it won’t happen here. Please keep writing. We all need to know and take a stand.

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I’m a 66 year old lady and I will fight back!

Where do I find the resistance?

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We all need to Stand and Be Unafraid! I was worried just to call The White House to leave a comment or two or three or four orfive about opposing things. I did it anyways and it felt great.

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Every MAGA congressman needs to do their job and protect our constitution or resign. The fact they they are willing to sit on the sidelines and watch this government be torn apart by a conman and all his minions is shameful. The fact that they could support some of the most unqualified people to be the head of some of the most important positions in our government is also shameful. Time to leave your political career behind .

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With Patel, there will be SS knocking on people's doors at night and take them away. There will be people disappearing. There will be neighbors spying on neighbors. There will be blood.

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Very scary.

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