Jun 21Liked by David Rothkopf

We are getting the advantage of Biden's age. He apparently never completely internalized the core thesis of Reagan Republicans, that government is the problem. He still carries a whiff of New Dealism -- government exists, and should work, to benefit all, not just the rich. Not very radical, except that it's been buried in BS since the 1980s. The question is still -- can be he serve as a bridge to new forms of enacting this in another round of threatening, authoritarian times?

As you may have guessed, I'm from Joe's age cohort. Looks obvious from here.

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Whatever the origins of Biden's POV...and I think you may be on to something...especially perhaps living through in his early 20s the LBJ years (which celebrated the FDR ideal)...we are better off for having him as POTUS.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

I agree with the low bar of 'we are better off for having him (Biden) as POTUS.' Given the alternative of a Trump-led GOP, I like the very sharply satiric Conservative clown from New Hampshire (and Rolling Stone magazine) P.J. O'Rourke just before PJ's passing:


"O’Rourke said his endorsement of Clinton includes “her lies and all her empty promises.”

“It’s the second worst thing that can happen to this country. But she’s way behind in second place,” he continued. “I mean, she’s wrong about absolutely everything, but she’s wrong within normal parameters.”

Referring to Donald Trump, he remarked, “I mean, this man just can’t be president. They’ve got this button, you know, in the briefcase. He’s going to find it.”

Well, I made the admitted mistake of voting for a 3rd Party candidate (Jill Stein) instead of Hillary and Trump won which I've come to regret. I should have paid heed to best possible rationale which back in 2015-2016 campaign heat came from PJ O'Rourke. My own feelings were and continue to be that the House of Clinton was not "Wrong within normal parameters."

The banking and High Finance failures with tax-payer bail-outs that House of Clinton E-Con policies, under Clinton's tutelage by BIG GRIFTERS Larry Summers and Robert Rubin.

Just Wiki Rubin's dossier in a page to understand the dollars and cents of his grift and search online under "Summers Keeps Failing Up" to understand why both political parties have privileged Larry Summers Neo-Liberal E-CON policy and deregulation and financialization of our once productively diverse U.S. of Amnesia's national e-con-o-my to get a better sense beyond Identity Politics of what has gone so wrong in our kleptocratic cronyocracy!

Joe Biden at age 27 became the Senator from the Legal Fiction and P.O.-box sized state of Delaware, the closest thing our 50 state union has to a Feudal Fiefdom in service to generations of the DuPont Feudal Lords and family. For my entire life-time he has supported in legislative policies the Privatization and Financialization of our nation. Now there is a word called "Bidenomics" meant to signify his about-face cuz the impoverished nation has gotten a bit of wisdom and Biden can no longer justify his wholly supported financial policies that got U.S. of Amnesia here?!?!

In all that time in the U.S. Senate has Biden ever drafted an essay or a book on where his policies of some half a century have gone wrong? Now he does an about-face on his policies and passes a few often temporary (like the short-lived trial run of federally financed Child Care for pre-schoolers to allow mothers to work even more jobs) bills and the fraudulently named INFRASTRUCTURE BILL which was a bi-partisan admission of criminal government misconduct in the handling of the national and global COVID LOCKDOWN and will leave these United States of Amnesia deeper in national debt to the High Finance monopolists and Feudal Lords with barely a dent made in the decades of allowing actual infrastructure like Baltimore's shipping channels to the Atlantic and the rigged Real Estate Speculation laissez faire policies so well explained here in this barely screened Public Interest documentary named PUSH (produced by Swedish Public TV in English language because all of the sources teach in U.S. institutions but can't crack the Golden Rolodex of our corporate-captured News Media) by a Nobel Prize winning economist (Joseph Stiglitz) and an Ivy League and world class peer-reviewed academic named Saskia Sassen who also teaches at Columbia U. but in the Sociology department:


PUSH - ( some excerpts from the documentary )

Tiktaks Point of View

425 subscribers

2,336 views Sep 1, 2021

Some excerpts from the documentary "PUSH" (2019) (full doc @ "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube)

Exploring why people cannot be allowed to live in cities... The high cost of housing and global investment funds that push people to poverty and strip them of a fundamental human right.

Producers: Fredrik Gertten, Margarete Jangard

Director: Fredrik Gertten

From Knowledge Network Aired Feb. 2, 2021

U.N. Special Rapporteur on Global Affordable Housing Crisis: Leilani Farha

Let us see Biden's ability to think through his policy failures as his boss Obama has yet to do despite Obama's previous career as an Ivy League Professor of Constitutional Law that once President waived the criminal prosecutions of those in government and corporate officers who served the crooks that never got prosecuted by either of our Wall Street Duopoly and Corporate-captured political parties.

Where has Harvard Professor and long-serving Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren been given her experience and televised showing of her well-prepared and rousing cross-examination of my bosses over 11 years in my tenure as Wells Fargo Executive Office regulatory complaint Senior Case Worker?


Senator Elizabeth Warren questions Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf at Banking Committee Hearing

Senator Elizabeth Warren

76.3K subscribers

4,613,423 views Sep 20, 2016

"Senator Elizabeth Warren's two round of questions for Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf at the September 20, 2016 Senate Banking Committee hearing entitled: "An Examination of Wells Fargo’s Unauthorized Accounts and the Regulatory Response." For more information on the hearing, click here: http://www.banking.senate.gov/public/..."


Sen. Warren to Wells Fargo CEO: "You should be fired." (C-SPAN)


1.42M subscribers

273,959 views Oct 3, 2017

Senator Elizabeth Warren to Wells Fargo CEO Timothy Sloan: "At best you were incompetent, at worst you were complicit and either way you should be fired."

How could Democratic Party elites by-pass Elizabeth Warren when we needed more like her and support the Presidential campaigns of Joe Biden?!?!?!

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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Jun 21Liked by David Rothkopf

I have begun to realize that my brain is turning to mush after the barrage of absolute idiocy lately coming from the right. It does start to take its toll.

So,…I’ve decided to reward intelligence by becoming a paid subscriber. I need to reward thoughts that improve my brain like today’s article. Thank you David.

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Thank you. I will do my best to assist with the de-mushification project.

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