Plop plop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is, or will be!

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America, as someone across the pond in Scotland, I'm praying that common sense starts to prevail. I have no 'horse in the race', or political bias, so I'm peering in purely as an outsider and wondering why on *earth* people are so dazzled by Donald Trump. The Christian vote in particular really puzzles me - the man's life is in every conceivable way the complete opposite of 'Christian values'. He is the very definition of a narcissist. He is cruel and unkind. He talks about vengeance more than what he will do for the country. He has encouraged people to be like him, and people are definitely more openly hateful and angry. This is 2024. If you could show a snapshot of the USA now to someone back in, say, the 1980s, they wouldn't believe you. As a teenager in the 1980s, America looked like the coolest, the best place in the world to be and I was so envious of those who were fortunate to be kids over there. Today... not so much. Even with Trump gone I think the country has fallen so, so far, and it'll take a long time, with much effort on all sides, to change. I hope it does. I, like many people around the world, am so nervous right now as the ramifications of a second Trump term is too scary to even contemplate.

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I am hoping all his trials will proceed and just maybe he will go to jail !

I just cannot bear to look at him and the less his face appears on the TV will help the nation recover! Great article !

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The end of him, his, his and his henchpeople’s cruelty, willful ignorance, illegal machinations, and traitorous treachery and violence will be a time of normalcy at last, increased productivity from happiness freed to breathe again!

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Sorry Bob, bitch stole your look.

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Amen to that David. His post campaign job will be staying out of jail.

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Trump has survived so many times it’s beyond comprehension. I will only feel a sense of relief when Kamala Harris has been sworn in as the next president. As for the Republican Party, we can only hope they come to their senses and look for a saner middle ground. If our elected leaders from both sides can spend more time and energy focusing on solutions vs scoring points our democracy might be saved. Hopefully Trump will be so focused on defending his many legal suits he’ll fade into the background. Time will tell.

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Yes, I try to imagine what it will be like to wake up and not wonder what fresh hell the Orange Nazi will present us with each morning. Maybe I'll finally sleep well. Maybe my constant headache will ease. Maybe my shoulders will uncramp.

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Thank you again for this thought provoking article. What will it be like to have trump gone? I have to admit that I am very anxious about this election. I am quite old and I fear for the lives of my grandchildren and great grandchildren if by some fluke he should win.I proudly voted for Harris/Walz and blue down the ballot and I pray that enough of us did also so we can erase this scourge from the political scene and take JD with him.

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My dream!

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I cannot wait for the end of the Trump era. I don't want to talk or think about him any more. I am looking forward to him being relegated to the annals of history and to deflate like the overripe orange pumpkin he is. Be gone!

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Remember the joy, the exuberance, the literal dancing in the streets after the 2020 race was called for Biden? That’s the feeling I want again. We are NOT going back!🎉

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I am with you David- I can’t wait!

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Alas, we're not done with the guy quite yet: Trump will declare victory on the night of the 5th, the press will fall over themselves as they race to amplify his every inane utterance and threat, and his acolytes in Congress will do their devious best to overturn the will of the people in order to install him as king. They will fail of course (I mean, the alternative is too horrible to contemplate) and Trump will finally be swept off the stage. It could never be soon enough.

In our rush to get beyond him, though, let's not forget that he is merely the fetid boil on top of a rank, bubbling mix of ignorance, racism, superstition and greed. How else would this worthless narcissist, this racist, corrupt, unintelligent misogynist without an ounce of compassion, leave alone enlightenment, this shell of a man who is in thrall to a despotic war-criminal, have been able to assume the office of President of The United States of America, and command the unquestioned loyalty of millions? What does this say about us as a nation?

If any good is to come of this sorry chapter in our recent history, it will only happen if our writers, philosophers, historians and scholars - such as you yourself David - work to reexamine our values and suggest a new way forward.

It seems apparent, for example, that we cannot have billionaires with untrammeled power if our intention is to have a democracy. We cannot call ourselves a free people if healthcare and education are treated as commodities for sale, rather than as birthrights. We cannot call ourselves a compassionate people if the sale of deadly weapons is valued more highly than the lives of schoolchildren.

We have become the new Soviet Union in that common sense has been swept away in favor of blind adherence to failed dogmas which allow no place for human happiness and wellbeing.

Please, let us treat Trump's eventual exit as a reason for a deep reexamination of ourselves.

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