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Jun 19Liked by David Rothkopf

Spot on David, thanks for bringing these important scandals back where they belong - in our consciousness. I remember firsthand the first quarter of 2020 so well where people who became sick had no idea if they would ever see their families again - the separation, heartache and grief for those who didn’t make it. By the time I became sick towards the end of 2020, it was not as bad but very disruptive with isolation and hospitalization thrust on us. Even then, there were those who thought it was nothing worse than the flu and blamed the sick for not being strong enough to fight it. We had folks from the south volunteer the death of their parents and grandparents so they could have a more robust economy and keep schools opened. What a pro-life crew they revealed themselves to be! And this new mentality was apparent: me first and the hell with you. I won’t ever forget this as long as I live.

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