Thank you David for including the links to sources for your items in the text. It's sad that Substack doesn't apparently enable you to make live links -- the best feature of the internet for bloggish writing. I'm delighted you've taken up this platform tho I already subscribe to too many of these damn things ...

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Also: I’m pissed that Bezos didn’t set up an endowment for the Post in 2013 and apparently isn’t planning on doing it now.

It is unfair to undermine the Post in order to expect it to somehow magically make it profitable. Even the New York Times is profitable largely because of their games app not because of the newsroom.

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I really appreciate your perspective and am super glad you are here. Truly.

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Great commentary as per usual. I like that you’re covering various subjects here and expanding on what we may briefly get in the daily podcast on the DSR Daily.

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David, I really appreciate that your unique background (theater production, foreign policy, etc.) and your experience leads to incisive, smart takes, often delivered with quick wit. It really makes for interesting reading and listening across all the networks where I encounter your work (except X - I gave that one up after the takeover). I look forward to even more.

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Thank you.

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I really like this. Your optimistic undertones now have me feeling hopeful. Yes, write the book :-)

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