Your thoughts ring true and remind me of a conversation I had with an older, now departed, friend who grew up in Hungary during WWII. He was a Jewish teenager when the Germans entered Hungary and somehow managed to run and stay out of German clutches until the end of the war. He then lived under Soviet domination until he and many others escaped to the West in 1956. He eventually emigrated to the United States, where he and one of the others, armed with advanced degrees in science, founded one of the first two ground-based solar energy companies in the US (and probably the world). His message to me, during the first Trump Administration, was simple, based on his experiences in Europe under both German and Soviet authoritarianism: first they come for law enforcement, then science and education, and then the press. He was convinced the same could happen here, and I agreed given my understanding of what happened in Germany after WWI. Your article expresses this same concern and is a welcome new wake-up call to a too-passive nation.
It's truly appalling the level of ignorance our leaders are pretending to display as well as being anti-truth, anti-science, anti-anything that isn't White Christian National. I've often heard people say "I don't know what to believe" and I get really frustrated that they haven't looked at the news sources and who is behind them. What's scary now is that the government and a want to be dictator is taking every step in the Fascist playbook. Unfortunately, many of the people that voted for Trump in the conservative parts of the country are the ones who will be most hurt by the destruction of government services, the loss of healthcare including the closing of rural hospitals, and the disintegration of our economy. We got exactly what we voted for. Hopefully soon people who thought Trump would never do these things to hurt them is doing exactly what he said he would. We are two months into Trump's presidency. I fear the damage that he can do over four years.
Timothy Snyder has an excellent piece called “Antisemitism in the Oval Office” on his Substack, Thinking About… It reveals the actual antisemitism animating the sacrifice of Ukraine by the Trump regime, and the implied gaslighting inherent in the claim that it is Columbia University’s failure to combat antisemitism that justifies the cancellation of $400 million in federal grants and contracts. The cancellations are simply a small part of the authoritarian regime’s effort to undermine thought as described in this article.
Omigosh, sir, you have spoken the truth as fully and completely as I have seen it lately. Your post requires considerable thought before responding. But Omigosh, sir. Amazing words of total truth and we’d better get awake.
You speak the truth. But they have one big problem. The reason this occurred in other countries was that the general population didn’t have a physical way to fight back. That is not the status in the United States. Being the most weapon accessible country in history has repercussions. They didn’t think about that when they made millions of bad laws. What is the old saying, be careful of what you do, it could bite you in the ass! You see, they are about to try the ultimate double cross. Only a fool would try that in this country. It is not going to be pretty! Oh well, Fools are going to act foolish. Fu-k Them!!!
Time is a critical factor. Shock & awe through unexpected chaos is taking all by surprise. It's not clear with these 'new' behaviours by the President and company that any old governance rules apply. Thinking things will change in two years from now at the next term elections is assuming these rules/norms will still apply.
Manipulation of the electorate vital for Trump/GOP to remain in power. Constant drumbeat about DEI (unqualified people in jobs!), transgender athletes (weirdos competing against girls!) immigrants dangerous, Israel good! Palestinians bad! Common theme? DEMS UNFAIR to hardworking normal (mostly white) Americans. Trump and GOP are America’s true defenders!
Actual goals? Low taxes on wealth from capital, control unions, keep big $ in politics, increase $ for Israel, reduce regs on big oil, chemicals, banks, etc. Propaganda via Fox and X crucial to achieve these goals but worth the expense to maintain loyalty of Trump voters.
A great article. Let me tell you something that doesn’t mean anything to what is happening. My age, I am 66 years old. I grew up when you heard things said out openly & proudly that were wrong. All of you that are younger than me. You are shocked what is happening. I am too. I thought America had progressed further. What is occurring is a disease that has never left America. It is why the Civil War occurred. You see, I thought once you beat the bad guys all will be OK. As I have aged, you realize it never goes away. Now, here we are. Everyone younger than me, this is the challenge of your life. You didn’t ask for it, but it is here. Rise up my young Americans!!! I am an old man. My time has passed. But your future, your family, & your Kids are on the line! You know what you need to do. Do what I was told when I was young! A Man steps up and protects his Family at ALL TIMES!!! Save this country! Save this world. You can do it! Your great grandfather did it. Your grandfather did it m. Your Dad did it! You can do it too!!! Time to rise to the occasion!!’
I am the same age as you and 66 is *not* old. Like you, I heard my elders use racial and ethnic slurs, and make inappropriate jokes about women and minorities. Like you, I thought we had progressed.
While some of us might not be able to withstand the rigors of physically protesting, we still have the ability to speak out against the lies and racism and misogyny. We have wisdom and the experiences of our younger days to tell compelling stories. We can encourage younger people to run for office at the local, state, and federal level.
We must *not* be silent, hoping that the younger people will step up. They need our support and encouragement.
I am 88 and I have seen and heard a lot. I am ready to kick ass with you! I have been writing and calling my senators and reps. I am sure I am on a list somewhere but we need to do the hard work and we need thousands to be doing the same things. I cannot physically go to rallies and protests but I want to carry my weight for as long as I can. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren and I want our country to be a safe place for them to grow in.
Yeah, it is real bad. Can you join with me to turn this thing around? This is another old saying, All hands on Deck! Come on kid, I think you can help!
Your thoughts ring true and remind me of a conversation I had with an older, now departed, friend who grew up in Hungary during WWII. He was a Jewish teenager when the Germans entered Hungary and somehow managed to run and stay out of German clutches until the end of the war. He then lived under Soviet domination until he and many others escaped to the West in 1956. He eventually emigrated to the United States, where he and one of the others, armed with advanced degrees in science, founded one of the first two ground-based solar energy companies in the US (and probably the world). His message to me, during the first Trump Administration, was simple, based on his experiences in Europe under both German and Soviet authoritarianism: first they come for law enforcement, then science and education, and then the press. He was convinced the same could happen here, and I agreed given my understanding of what happened in Germany after WWI. Your article expresses this same concern and is a welcome new wake-up call to a too-passive nation.
It's truly appalling the level of ignorance our leaders are pretending to display as well as being anti-truth, anti-science, anti-anything that isn't White Christian National. I've often heard people say "I don't know what to believe" and I get really frustrated that they haven't looked at the news sources and who is behind them. What's scary now is that the government and a want to be dictator is taking every step in the Fascist playbook. Unfortunately, many of the people that voted for Trump in the conservative parts of the country are the ones who will be most hurt by the destruction of government services, the loss of healthcare including the closing of rural hospitals, and the disintegration of our economy. We got exactly what we voted for. Hopefully soon people who thought Trump would never do these things to hurt them is doing exactly what he said he would. We are two months into Trump's presidency. I fear the damage that he can do over four years.
If ethnic self hatred was a picture- who stuffed this guy in his locker when he was in high school?
Timothy Snyder has an excellent piece called “Antisemitism in the Oval Office” on his Substack, Thinking About… It reveals the actual antisemitism animating the sacrifice of Ukraine by the Trump regime, and the implied gaslighting inherent in the claim that it is Columbia University’s failure to combat antisemitism that justifies the cancellation of $400 million in federal grants and contracts. The cancellations are simply a small part of the authoritarian regime’s effort to undermine thought as described in this article.
Thank you for the truth about what is happening!
Scary… but the truth oftentimes is!
With the attacks being so multifaceted, can you recommend an organization or several that will organize the effort?
Do you see any in leadership that can spearhead the cause? Do you think Illinois Governor Pritzker would be among those who could lead?
Making America Brain Dead is definitely the goal. But once the brain has been drained — or in tandem — plain old death (=MAD) will also do.
That man is pure evil. Dead eyes.
Brilliant article David. Thank you for everything you are doing.
Omigosh, sir, you have spoken the truth as fully and completely as I have seen it lately. Your post requires considerable thought before responding. But Omigosh, sir. Amazing words of total truth and we’d better get awake.
You speak the truth. But they have one big problem. The reason this occurred in other countries was that the general population didn’t have a physical way to fight back. That is not the status in the United States. Being the most weapon accessible country in history has repercussions. They didn’t think about that when they made millions of bad laws. What is the old saying, be careful of what you do, it could bite you in the ass! You see, they are about to try the ultimate double cross. Only a fool would try that in this country. It is not going to be pretty! Oh well, Fools are going to act foolish. Fu-k Them!!!
Time is a critical factor. Shock & awe through unexpected chaos is taking all by surprise. It's not clear with these 'new' behaviours by the President and company that any old governance rules apply. Thinking things will change in two years from now at the next term elections is assuming these rules/norms will still apply.
Manipulation of the electorate vital for Trump/GOP to remain in power. Constant drumbeat about DEI (unqualified people in jobs!), transgender athletes (weirdos competing against girls!) immigrants dangerous, Israel good! Palestinians bad! Common theme? DEMS UNFAIR to hardworking normal (mostly white) Americans. Trump and GOP are America’s true defenders!
Actual goals? Low taxes on wealth from capital, control unions, keep big $ in politics, increase $ for Israel, reduce regs on big oil, chemicals, banks, etc. Propaganda via Fox and X crucial to achieve these goals but worth the expense to maintain loyalty of Trump voters.
A great article. Let me tell you something that doesn’t mean anything to what is happening. My age, I am 66 years old. I grew up when you heard things said out openly & proudly that were wrong. All of you that are younger than me. You are shocked what is happening. I am too. I thought America had progressed further. What is occurring is a disease that has never left America. It is why the Civil War occurred. You see, I thought once you beat the bad guys all will be OK. As I have aged, you realize it never goes away. Now, here we are. Everyone younger than me, this is the challenge of your life. You didn’t ask for it, but it is here. Rise up my young Americans!!! I am an old man. My time has passed. But your future, your family, & your Kids are on the line! You know what you need to do. Do what I was told when I was young! A Man steps up and protects his Family at ALL TIMES!!! Save this country! Save this world. You can do it! Your great grandfather did it. Your grandfather did it m. Your Dad did it! You can do it too!!! Time to rise to the occasion!!’
I am the same age as you and 66 is *not* old. Like you, I heard my elders use racial and ethnic slurs, and make inappropriate jokes about women and minorities. Like you, I thought we had progressed.
While some of us might not be able to withstand the rigors of physically protesting, we still have the ability to speak out against the lies and racism and misogyny. We have wisdom and the experiences of our younger days to tell compelling stories. We can encourage younger people to run for office at the local, state, and federal level.
We must *not* be silent, hoping that the younger people will step up. They need our support and encouragement.
Damn good!!! Well, what the Hell. All of you old timers come with this old timer on one last try!!! Let’s go kick that ass!!!
I am 88 and I have seen and heard a lot. I am ready to kick ass with you! I have been writing and calling my senators and reps. I am sure I am on a list somewhere but we need to do the hard work and we need thousands to be doing the same things. I cannot physically go to rallies and protests but I want to carry my weight for as long as I can. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren and I want our country to be a safe place for them to grow in.
Welcome to the world of the patriarchy.
Yeah, it is real bad. Can you join with me to turn this thing around? This is another old saying, All hands on Deck! Come on kid, I think you can help!
60 years of trying. How are we doing so far?
This kid is 82 and
don’t understand
the word quit. Via
La Canada !!