Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

I’m building my own raft!! Great article.

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

I always feel validated when I read what you have written. Thank you.

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“we surely deserve a longer menu of words we can use for the different kinds of bullshit with which we are confronted daily.” David Rothkopf

Thanks David, you tried. I can’t take anymore either.

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Aug 28Liked by David Rothkopf

The same media will have the audacity to wonder at their loss of freedom of the press if project 2025 is implemented.

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Aug 26Liked by David Rothkopf

Love this! Saw the movie and it was ok, but not earth shattering.

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Love your comments and calling out the BS. But I stopped reading the NYT when they did the autoworkers union story. That was the last straw with their poor reporting and vetting of the crap the tRump camp was spewing. WAPO similar as the both sidesism became so obvious and rampant it was making me crazy. So thanks for the examples you gave and keep them coming.

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Refreshing humor..it’ll keep you busy for years…that’s how long the BS Flingers will likely last. I look forward to your next installment and thanks for the great laughs.

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“Those who survived have adapted to a new world.” Opening to a terrific movie which was way ahead of its time, 1995. Kevin’s best after Dances With Wolves. Horizon, Chapter 1 is my new fav Costner movie.

Our new world will be one without the Republican nominee.

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Aug 26Liked by David Rothkopf

From the Political Charge Newsletter by TokyoSand on 8/25/24:

"The last thing I want to say about the convention is about the media. The legacy media, and by that I mean the traditional news channels on TV and also the newspapers of record, made their disdain quite clear that the DNC credentialed a bunch of social media content creators to cover the convention. But here’s the thing, if the legacy media was doing their job, they’d have nothing to fear. Their job, as I and millions of others see it, is to report on what is actually happening and what has happened. Instead, when it comes to politics, the legacy media only seems to be interested in shaping the narrative and talking about what might happen. More and more, it seems they are only interested in writing opinion pieces about politics.

As an example, the New York Times wrote a piece with a headline, “Joy is Not a Strategy” following the convention. The whole point of the piece was to crap all over any Democratic voter who felt joy and enthusiasm coming out of the convention. But here’s the irony – had the New York Times approached the convention as a news story to be covered by a reporter, they could have interviewed organizers and activists who would’ve told them that that joy that their voters were feeling was translating into volunteering by the tens of thousands in campaign offices all over the country. That joy was translating into dollars being donated not just Kamala Harris, but to down ballot Democrats in every single state. Because the New York Times was so focused on forcing their narrative on their readers, they missed the story that was right under their nose. And this problem has been replicated across the board and legacy media.

And that, my dear readers, is why regular content creators are eating legacy media’s lunch."

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Aug 26Liked by David Rothkopf

Before the networks go crazy over Trump's Afghanistan "photo op" at Arlington National Cemetery today, I hope someone will remind them that Trump released 5,000 Taliban prisoners as part of the "deal" he made to get out of Afghanistan. Those prisoners helped lead the surge into Kabul as U.S. troops left.

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Aug 26Liked by David Rothkopf

I really like the “Bullshit Glossary.” It ought to be a required course in every honest journalism school.

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

Oh 💯 . I think “bullshitidemic” was my favorite 🤣

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Trump is now saying the GOP is a big supporter of IVF.

And that he won't veto a national abortion ban, because he's something. Not sure what. Pro-reproductive health for some women, if they live in a state that permits it? The other ones should just die of preventable pregnancy crises?

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I fell into one category of your bullshit that I will try to counter. I thought many people calling for Biden's withdrawal were playing kingmaker and wanted an open primary to replace Harris. These people did exhibit another variety of bullshit, that they knew all along what the outcomes of Biden's withdrawal would be. I don't think holding my viewpoint creates disunity among democrats or endangers our chances of winning. I don't think VP Harris won our candidacy as the result of a coup. It might have been gratuitous for you to take a swipe at people like me. No hard feelings I hope.

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David, I'm not saying "Waterworld" is a guilty pleasure, but I do like watching Dennis Hopper chomp on the (wet) scenery as the bad guy.

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Aug 26Liked by David Rothkopf

And it was a FANTASTIC live water show at Universal Studios.

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Hope floats…..Your metaphor of the raft you will build was awesome. 😁❤️🤍💙💙💙✌🏻

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Hope floats…..your metaphore of the raft you will build was awesome. 😁❤️🤍💙💙💙✌🏻

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