Sep 2Liked by David Rothkopf

I read an update of Stupid Things Vance Said in Guardian. Some science person said Vance was the philosophical bridge between christo-fascists and the online manosphere. Explains why they appreciate him more than normal people do.

Just finished an online book discussion of some Bible: Book of Timothy passages that seem to fit Vance's ideas to a T. Problem is they are thought to be inauthentic by scholars and contradicted by passages considered more authentic. Trolls showed up--you could tell they were practically slavering in love with the misogynist passages. All the stuff where Jesus said as you act with the least of these, you act with me, means nothing. Only excuses to be cruel matter.

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Aug 31Liked by David Rothkopf

ā€¦a big piping hot bowl of Truth Soup! Very nutritious and extremely satisfying! Thank you for serving it in such lovely china! šŸ˜Š

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Aug 30Liked by David Rothkopf

Wonder what it feels like to be betrayed by someone pretending to care about your deceased loved ones?

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Aug 30Liked by David Rothkopf

DJTā€™s aposematic signals are his bleach blond coiffed ratty hair and his orangey dimpled splotchy face. Those physical features scream, ā€œDanger! Stay back!ā€

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Methinks the "orangey dimpled splotchy face" has miscegenated with the "bleach blond coiffed ratty hair." Damned if I can tell where one ends and the other begins.

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Aug 31Liked by David Rothkopf

Yeah. Like the King of Siam (of The King & I fame) said, ā€œItā€™s a puzzlement!ā€

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Aug 30Liked by David Rothkopf

Surely, Vance is a shoe-in for the Darwin Political Award this year.

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more please begging, it's a must!

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

Heard you on Pete Dominickā€™s podcast. I always listen to you and Pete. Thank you

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So I'm reading bullet point by bullet point while memorizing the spelling of "aposematic" (hey, I did it without looking!) and thinking up ways to use it in a sentence without coming across as a pointy head, and thus preoccupied I come to the very last bullet point: "ā€¢ Well, thatā€™s not entirely fair. Some Trump supporters are just unregenerate fascists." Readers, I lost it. Now I'm looking for ways to use *that* in a sentence. Carry on, D.R.!

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

Who knew that Stormy Daniels was a mycologist?

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf
Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

I tried to include a picture of an actual poisonous mushroom šŸ„. Yours is better.

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

Just visualizing what Stormy was describing...šŸ˜‚

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

Best kicker I read this week.

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You ARE the best . Amen !!!!

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Aug 29Liked by David Rothkopf

Amen indeed. This piece definitely made me chuckle šŸ¤­

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