David's point is so well illustrated by today's Harris-Walz chat.


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The choice every potential US voter will make:

The question is no longer about Trump’s character.

The question now is whether character matters to you.

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Wow. You cut to the heart of the struggle. Thanks.

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I will say it again, you are the best, the very best. Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!

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The Trump train, sooner or later, is going to derail like the Norfolk Southern Railway train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. The sooner the better!

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An excellent article.

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Brilliant point by point demonstration, and so compelling to synthesize it all as Harris/Walz = the antidote to the MAGA poison that had been eating away at our country. Thank you, David. You made me think too.

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That is as stark a comparison as anybody could want. Well done!

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David Rothkopf has to join the Harris campayne; He just took down in one newsletter, the whole Trump campayne, they now have no reason for living or existing. thank you for your excellence to the truth, It Matters !

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The most noticeable aspect of Kamala and Tim's campaign is it has pushed many of the ugly remarks back underground. It's where they should be. Ugly beliefs will always exist but Trump enabled them to be spoken in the open. Meanness needs to be pushed into silence and non-acceptance, and not tolerated. An addiction to kindness and joy may sound silly, but it is possible and real, and will make change possible and real. Change has been coming for a long time. It's way overdue but it's real and will be good.

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Amazing how clear life is with truth & reality on your side vs narcissistic maga delusions.

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Well said! I think about this a lot (when I'm not working, and if I start talking about what I'm editing at the moment I will not shut up). I admire President Biden tremendously. He far exceeded my expectations -- he was maybe my 5th choice in 2020. (I love having my expectations exceeded.) I really, really don't like the way he was deposed, but the fact that he chose what was best for the country made me like him even more.

Biden (and many others, like Pelosi and Schumer) have been living in a world where things can be worked out in Congress and in informal White House conferences, etc. The Republican Party hasn't been living in that world for decades. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz totally get this. That's the big difference. These battles are happening in the real world and real people's lives are at stake. That's how they're going into this, and that's how "we the people" are responding. And that's why part of me is living in THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Because that much is at stake.

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So well said. Thank you for writing what it is that, We The People, have finally gotten the gumption to shout out. Thank you Kamala, and thank you to all who feel as we/I do. We're gonna do it!!!!

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The fact that Republicans have all stood silently by as Vance denigrated a veteran with 24 years of service is beyond unforgivable.

Our media is irretrievably broken, but it's up to the rest of us to remind voters that Republicans will throw anyone under the bus for power...even honorable veterans.

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And it was all foreshadowed by Trump's dismissal of the war dead as "losers," and his mocking of a disabled reporter. Finally, finally we're getting it.

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Yes, Harris and Walz lift America up! It has been a long time since I have had optimism about the direction our country is headed in. Your article showed me the vision that Harris & Walz bring to our country. I felt that with Joe Biden getting elected too and Joe Biden delivered on many of his promises while being held back at every step by Trump and his minions. He brought us through COVID. He got enough vaccine out so everyone who wanted a shot got immunized and boosted. What a burden he has had to carry as the President, every effort a fight. Republicans have obstructed every bill that would help this country. And yet Biden has gotten so many big bills passed. If Kamala & Walz can win I hope they can finish what Joe started and go even further.

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You’re welcome. Thank you for framing our choices so clearly.

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Well said, they are polar opposites of each others ideas of what America is, should be, and wants to be! Harris/Walz all the way!

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