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Great rallying cry!

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We must never forget that members of Congress barely escaped mass mob violence on Jan 6, thanks to brave cops and some lucky breaks. The story could have ended quite differently, and Trump would have been thrilled to see his perceived political enemies beaten, killed and tortured.

The fact that elected officials were able to escape safely that day has allowed Trump to continue in a political career that the media treats as normal. Even though he tried his best to get people killed.

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I'm Venezuelan. I have a serious case of PTSD. Serious...πŸ˜–

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Preach it!

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I have been on 🚨 since 2015. I can’t continue this. I never want to see a psychopath rise so high in our government again. Thanks to every Republican who is standing up for our democracy. They lost a lot to do it. But when it mattered they have made their voice heard. And to all the Democrats working your asses off, we salute you too! Let’s send the psychopath packing in 32 days!

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Amen to all of that!

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Yes. Yes. Yes and yes. This is the battle of our lifetime. Just as our democracy and way of life was at risk during WWII, so it is now. Patriots of all political stripes and ideologies must come together as one and defeat the cancer eating at our republic that is Trump and MAGA. Excise it. And heal.

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David, it is personal for me, too. I knew Trump when he was putting up buildings in New York. He was an asshole then, and he has only gotten worse. Back then he could screw up only a neighborhood. Now he can screw up the world. Buona fortuna.

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A great and beautiful piece. Time to row hard through the surf and get to that ship coming up on the shoals. Row!

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"History will not judge us kindly if we fail." If, as seems likely, Harris handily wins the majority of the popular vote, but loses the election because of under 100,000 votes in swing states due to the Electoral College, will we have failed, or will the framers of our Constitution have failed because they handicapped us in our efforts to keep the republic?

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They're dead and won't regret it. It's on us.

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The framers will have failed us

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No. We haven't yet understood that we have to find a way to fix the faulty edifice the founders bequeathed us. Not saying that will be easy, but that's the gift we're given. Abolitionists didn't have it easy either.

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As you say, the faults in this gift have been clearly revealed. Though the Abolitionists achieved a victory on paperβ€”the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendmentsβ€”that paper was easily torn by the quick end to Reconstruction, the rise of the KKK, and the institution of Jim Crow. Though another paper victory occurred in the 1960s with the passage of the civil rights legislation, the backlash to that legislation has fully matured as the fascist MAGA movement of today. Our Constitution has proven itself too weak to prevent the ascendancy and potential triumph of fascism in our country. We must steel ourselves for even more challenging struggles after November 5th.

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She is a hero to me, not for her political beliefs but for her uncompromising defense of our country and what it stands for. It’s easy for someone to do this when they have their party’s backing but not so much when she paid a large price because she bucked the party for principles. I will never forget her.

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Liz Cheney would likely be Speaker now had she genuflected before Trump. So, she made a highly principled sacrifice. Democratic unity is not that difficult. And, no, the Palestinians will not be better off in a Trump world of bonesaw diplomacy.

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I don't know...the collapse of the 4th Estate, the millions who will vote out of grievance, racism misogyny, homophobia, the large numbers of GenZ voters utterly oblivious to the dangers (especially the ones voting for Trump because he's "funny"), the CEOs focused on quarterly profits, the billionaires who want to dominate and create a White, Fundamentalist Christian country (who delude themselves that they'll control Trump), the seniors who delude themselves that GOP control won't impact Medicare and Socisl Security.

There are tens of millions of voters who fall into the categories above.

I'm grateful for the Republicans for Harris...I just don't know if it will be enough.

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Keep the faith. Vote for Harris/Walz. Don’t let them get you down. Quit hating and denigrating. VOTE!

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... and for those who worship a Higher Power, whatever you name Him, now is the time to invoke His help. Pray as if your life depends on it - because it probably does...

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None of us know. But it would be grossly irresponsible to ignore possible cross-over votes in an election in which it is very likely that every vote will count and the margins will be, for the reasons you state, small.

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Getting the word out, the warning is being made harder by the likes of the NYT and many of the hosts in CNN , to name but two vehicles, who are giving Trump a pass. The man is aging before our eyes. He is stuttering, mumbling, confusing people and placesβ€”where is the intense scrutiny Biden got? If Trump is falling apart from old age or stress, we could easily end up with Vance which could be so much worse. Trump’s threats and defamatory comments are hardly mentioned by the mainstream media. I know Scott Dworkin keeps pointing to all of this, but it should worry each of us that even people who don’t watch Fox News are not getting a full picture. The press is supposed to investigate and help the viewer or reader understand what is happening in the world.

The debate was embarrassing because Vance was able to get away with so much slimy nonsense. And he speaks quickly and with the air of someone who knows what he is talking about. This is a deeply flawed individual who cannot relate to regular people, and fancies himself a member of the pantheon of the gods. He will dictate to all the rest of us how we are to live. He has converted religions twiceβ€”to Hinduism, then to Catholicism. The latter was so he could enter the fold of Opus Deiβ€”an organization aimed at overthrowing the government. Make no mistake, Vance has a deep-seated Will to Power. He thinks it is his due. He is a nasty piece of goods.

We must try to listen to friends, neighbors, etc., and explain how Harris will be better for them. If they are fully behind Trump they may never hear you. One voter at a time. Keep working!

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As usual you hit the nail on the head! Saving our democracy has to be the ultimate goal. I do not agree with Liz Cheney on much but I give her credit and admiration for her work on the January 6 committee and now for putting country over party in endorsing Kamala Harris and campaigning with her. She is to be admired for her leadership.

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