Hey Don, If You're Making an Enemies List, Please Add My Name
The Motherfucker Gets Motherfuckerier
So, two weeks before Election Day, we have learned in a well-reported piece in The Atlantic by its editor Jeffrey Goldberg entitled “I Need the Kind of Generals Hitler Had” that for a man with a huge ass, Trump has no bottom.
The revelations in the piece may only confirm what we knew about Trump but they are still surpassingly disgusting. In it, while reneging on a pre-election promise to pay for the funeral of a brutally murdered soldier, Vanessa Guillen, Trump referred to her as “a fucking Mexican” and told his chief of staff to make sure that her family was not reimbursed for her burial.
Come to think of it, his actual line, confirmed by multiple sources was so repugnant, I should quote it verbatim. The then Commander-in-Chief said, “It doesn’t cost $60,000 to bury a fucking Mexican!”
The primary thrust of the article was to lay out in detail Trump’s contempt for and mistreatment of the military and its leaders. We know he called the heroes who had fallen while fighting for America in the past, “suckers and losers.” We know he mocked Sen. John McCain’s captivity as a prisoner of war. We know he desecrated Arlington National Cemetery for a photo op.
This article goes on to describe in further detail how each of these incidents is not an aberration but a perfect manifestation of Trump’s low regard for those who have sacrificed greatly to serve us. In it, Trump is quoted as saying, “Vietnam would have been a waste of time for me. Only suckers went to Vietnam.” We are also reminded of the multiple times he told senior advisors that, as the title of the article suggests, he wanted “the kind of generals Hitler had.” He meant blindly loyal. When he was reminded that Hitler’s generals tried to kill him, he brushed it off with one of his characteristic flourishes of ignorance.
This was not, of course, a one off for this moronic monster. He often expressed admiration for Hitler. As I have noted here before, that included keeping a volume of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside. It has included his support and defense of neo-Nazi groups. It has include his support of one candidate running this year who proudly described himself as a “black Nazi.”
It was one of the darkest ironies and most grotesque forms of projection this election cycle has produced that Republican leaders have often condemned Democrats for promoting violence in our society by comparing Trump to Hitler or calling him a fascist.
But of course, the one who most often has associated Trump with Hitler is Trump himself. Just as the one who requires that any objective observer describe him as a fascist is the autocrat-loving, dictator-from-day-one, coup-leading, Project 2025 promoting 45th president of the United States.
That those Republican leaders who often wrap themselves in the flag and lavishly praise the military and seek to be associated with them are willing to turn a blind eye to the fact that their leader treats the military more despicably than any other senior official in U.S. history is horrible.
That they seem not to care about the fact that he clearly idolizes Hitler not to mention our enemies worldwide and autocrats generally while he promises to turn the military on Americans who oppose him is beyond reprehensible. They have sold out the country and our values and desecrated the memory of all who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this country simply to stay in power, to catch a few drops of gravy from the MAGA-Kremlin gravy train on their slavering tongues is the most contemptible and dangerous mass betrayal this country has seen since the Civil War.
To me, like to many of you, I’m sure the latest insights into the black pit of human depravity that is Trump’s soul is not just political, it is deeply personal.
Even just the broad strokes of Jeff Goldberg’s superb article hit hard. Fucking Mexicans? Again? My wife is half-Mexican and many of my dearest friends are Mexican or of Mexican descent. More insults for the military and leadership. So many of those I respect and admire most are former or current members of the military and many of the are or were flag officers. Each of them are men and women whose character is above reproach.
As for the Hitler-worship of Trump, this gets me as viscerally as anything could. As many of you know, my father just barely escaped from the Nazis and dozens of members of his family were slaughtered by them.
I was raised to understand that Hitler was the worst human being in history. Now, it is perfectly clear to me that Donald Trump is the worst among us, among all Americans, among all American leaders.
Which is why I say, knowing that the election two weeks can go either way, that while I hope to Hell that he is defeated then, I will never ever stop working to oppose that man and abhorrent agenda.
So, Don, if you or one of your henchmen are listening, please do me a favor. If you are, as you have promised, making an enemies list, please be sure to put my name on it. You are not to me, merely just another politician whose programs are misguided or even worse. You are a deadly toxin that is threatening our body politic. Until you are once and for all rejected by the American people, we will never be safe. As long as you are a voice given any credence in our society, our most profound values and our future will be threatened. And I for one—like countless millions like me, I’m sure—will use every legal tool at our disposal to bring your political career to an end—beginning with voting for Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States.
I have a lot of experience. Survived Castro’s Cuba. Let me know if you want any pointers. My father became a republican, my mother became a democrat. Females are smarter.
My Dad fought against the Nazis in WWII to protect freedom and democracy. He was not a “sucker or a loser”. Trump and his ideology have to be defeated in 2 weeks. Anyone admiring Hitler is a deeply flawed human being and cannot be the leader of our country. And those who enable him are almost as bad. VOTE BLUE with everything you’ve got
On another matter it was interesting watching Walz and Obama talk today. So uplifting to hear people talk sense versus the dark hate and nonsense of Trump. Obama even said that there is no one who can solve all problems, but there is an obvious choice of who will try their best. It’s all we can ask for