Biden may be senile but that might not matter because pols are often figureheads whose work is done by a large and talented staff, buit the voters don't know that and are poised to make Trump president. Ergo, the Democrats need a new nominee.


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Excellent advice, but I intend to settle in with a can of Sierra Nevada and maybe some snacks (if I get my butt to the grocery store in the next few hours) and swear a lot at the screen.

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I like the idea of a Mystery Science Theater debate, where robots from a space station quip during the debate and make fun of Trump (shout out to Alien Super Show). Trump’s voice, mannerisms and speech content are like nails on a chalkboard to me and I need something to cut through that. Another idea for your drinking game: drink every time Trump has expressive aphasia. This means when he has difficulty finding a word, uses an incorrect word (like refuttal) or has a brain fart and just stops talking mid sentence before trying to act like he did it on purpose. It will be prime sundowning time, so you may end up pretty intoxicated.

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But voters don't really know either candidate to the extent that they're only familiar with the persona filtered through the media.

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Dear David. Love the video. But I still won’t watch the “debate”. For the sake of my physical and mental health. I won’t be able to escape the “after” commentary and video clips anyway.

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If the only thing Biden does is repeatedly state "Trump appointed the 3 SCOTUS justices who overturned Roe and gutted abortion rights", he would reach the 20% of Americans who believe that it was Biden's fault.

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