Call Her Madam October
Don't Let the Media Sheep Mislead You, the Vice President is Killing It On the Campaign Trail
The fake Kamala losing her mojo story is not just because most pollsters are lousy at what they do and most journalists are lazy sheep—although that’s part of it. It’s also due to a massive calculated disinformation campaign involving scores of bought and paid for polls and politically motivated social media amplification. Not only is Harris leading she is running an excellent campaign, has more money, has a much more extensive ground operation, has not made a single wrong move during the campaign, has a great positive platform and…she is not a fucking maniac who will destroy America and maybe the world like her demented, felonious, traitorous, rapist, racist opponent who was the worst president in our history.
It is time to see the truth, share the truth and then do the work.
There are three weeks to go in Campaign 2024.
I defy you to describe for me a wrong move that Kamala Harris has made since she became the Democratic nominee. She handled the transition from Biden with grace. She energized the campaign from minute one. Within hours she had so united the party behind her that all the nonsense talk about a “mini-primary” died a quiet death.
She made smart decisions about keeping the Biden campaign intact but making enough changes to make it clear to all involved that it was now the Harris campaign, that she was in charge, that a transformation was required in message, strategy and tactics.
She blew the doors off fund raising records in week one and contrary to oh-so-wise pundits who have so much advice to help her along, she has continued to break records ever since. She has amassed a war chest of $1 billion. She has energized the party to pull together a massive, 50 state volunteer force of unprecedented size. Her efforts have dwarfed all those of Trump, his billionaire friends and his MAGA army.
Her VP pick was a stroke of genius. The convention was a moving masterpiece of aspirations and common purpose.
She obliterated Trump in their debate. She so wounded him that he she has him running scared. No more debates for him. No hard interviews.
She developed and rolled out a rich, substantive agenda. She attracted massive rallies and had them on their feet cheering. She has launched an innovative, wide-ranging series of media interviews and in every single one…every single one…watch them…she has done an excellent job. No gaffes. No rookie mistakes. Just superb, professional, leaderly demonstration of her intelligence, experience, knowledge, and interpersonal skills that measured up to the best Americans have seen on the campaign trail in the modern era.
She has done all this in 70 or so days so far. She leads nationally and in key battleground states in virtually every credible poll there is. Yes, the market has been flooded with b.s. MAGA-funded purpose polls that are designed not to reveal the will of the voter but to lay the foundation for Trump’s plan to claim that this election too was “stolen from him.” But when you look at the real polls, at the trends, she turned the race around and she has maintained a healthy lead throughout.
What’s more if the polls are as off in predicting Dem turnout as they were in 2022, her lead is even greater. Look at registrations, the numbers favor the Dems. Look at early voting, so far the numbers favor Harris. Look at early turn out in Georgia today, where they passed their one day record just after lunch and nearly doubled it by days end and you’d have to conclude that was not just a good sign, it was a reflection of a strong campaign working well.
She has all the party’s leaders out campaigning for her…in a way that they historically have not for other recent Democratic candidates. What’s more, she has over 200 senior Republicans endorsing her. She has hundreds of generals, admirals and top national security officials endorsing her. Most of Trump’s cabinet has said they won’t vote for him. Liz Cheney is campaigning for her. Dick Cheney has endorsed her.
Oh sure, David Brooks has some advice for her and so do all the columnists at the fancy newspapers and so do all the unemployed political consultants who are spending their time as talking heads. In fact, here in Washington, everyone is such a genius that they know just what she needs to do to fix the most remarkable and well-managed run by a political candidate we have seen in recent years. Of course, they’re all wrong and just trying to gain attention or get a job in the Harris Administration or stay relevant among the Georgetown cocktail party crowd. But she hasn’t let that get to her either.
Is some of her success due to the members of her campaign team. Sure. But take it from me who has witnessed much of this up close and talked to many at the heart of the campaign, the secret to the success of this campaign, the source of its energy and its joy and its good judgment and its forward momentum and its ability to attract such a broad coalition of supporters is Kamala Harris herself. This is an experienced political pro who has also captured the zeitgeist in way that makes her the perfect foil for Trump and the next generation leader that America needs.
That happens every so often. A candidate comes along and defines a bright line in our history. Kennedy led one such generational changing of the guard with his “New Frontier.” Clinton with Gore led another as America transitioned to leaders from the Baby Boom generation and to the post-Cold War Internet age. Now, she is “turning the page” on the Boomers (and on straggler from the “silent generation” Joe Biden) and, a California woman raised as Silicon Valley grew, she will be the right leader for America in the Age of AI and for helping to usher in the new perspectives and voices of Gen X, Millenials and even Zoomers.
She is the right woman in the right place at the right time and, despite the naysayers and the odds and the challenges, she is going to make history as a result.
Reggie Jackson was Mr. October. Judging from her performance in the home stretch of this campaign so far, it may well be that we will soon be awarding the honorific of Madame October (and November) to the woman we are very fortunate have as our primary line of defense against Trump, Putin, MAGA and the most dangerous attack on U.S. democracy since the Civil War.
Excellent essay, David! FWIW, I agree with you all the way. Keep up the good work.
This is a mic-drop essay! Thank you .