If Trump has a terminal illness would he will possibly nuke earth since he is a narcissist? If so to what extend would Dems and Biden go to save earth?

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What could possibly go wrong?!😒🙄😐😒🎃💀

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So, the docs case has just been dismissed; what step are we on now in the “How To Build a Fuhrer” Manual?

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I am glad I checked my BP before I read this! Donald Trump’s idiocy is slowly killing me. He has to lose. I can’t take this anymore

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I cannot believe TFG hasn’t been taken out through a clandestine hit, a Predator drone strike, poisoning, whatever… because after all he is responsible for more American deaths (unnecessary COVID deaths) than Osama bin Laden, and has stolen more classified materials than anyone since the Rosenbergs. Why doesn’t Biden take out TFG through an official act of the “totally immune” presidency? After all, he will never receive due justice, which itself is already compromised at the highest levels (SCOTUS).

Is the U.S. really going to allow its democracy to be destroyed at the ballot box, through choice or inaction? It’s certifiably insane. It’s national suicide.

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Try an election first. If it doesn't work, arguably nothing then to lose.

Under our Constitution, remember, Trump is clearly disqualified. The Court flatly failed in its clear duty Americans if they elect Trump will have destroyed their own Constitution.

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Trump’s first presidency ended in a pandemic, a second one will end with a mushroom cloud.

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I highly recommend a work by Carlos Lozada, "What We Were Thinking". It is a synopsis of about 150 books written in The Age of Trump by various known and unknown authors. I am going through it the second time and am picking up gems I missed the first time around. A must-read to grasp the situation's gravity. And what can be done about it... God have mercy.

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I’ve read it and think highly of Carlos and the book.

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Main problem: 45% of the USA was willing to buy what he was selling 4 years ago. So, unless you’ve pulled a bunch of them out of his orbit, that’s his baseline.

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Media counter argument: “bUt bIDeN iS oLd”

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And yet my kids can't buy a house. And they are fed up with a system that makes it harder to buy a house when Elon and his friends have all the money.

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thank you!


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Don't forget to press the DEPLOY button on the Chief's desk to bring down Get Smart's "CONE OF SILENCE" as any CONTROL (and CHAOS) agent knows this is all CLASSIFIED NEED TO KNOW stuff. However, any academic in search of the existing public debates can call up this question via Cyberian Search engines: "PRIVATIZATION OF NATIONAL SECURITY and its ALTERNATIVES."

Somebody get Thomas Pynchon on the blower while he still lives and breathes (if not writes....)

Mitch Ritter\Agent 27 Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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The way I have come to understand Trump voters/supporters: there are roughly two groups.

1) those who follow him to each event and firmly believe that he is the most successful business man in the history of America (which is to say that these people also believe he is the Son Of God, QAnon’s dad and still a virgin)

2) the much larger group who ABSOLUTELY wants him to live out all of their wicked fantasies that they, as mere mortals, have to keep in check: abuse and humiliate minorities, women, non-heteros, non-Christians (feel free to add here)

Trump is the embodiment of every dark and forbidden urge in the human brain.

And of course there is the monstrous group of politicians and billionaires for whom Trump is just a tool to achieve their wet power dreams + everything I listed under (2)

It’s really that simple. These people can’t wait to see Trump reinstalled. I have said since 2016: it’s not the trumps of this world that we must fear, but those who carry them to victory.

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... and unless we all recognize our Creator (who was mentioned early on in our written national history) is in charge of life as we know it - - and acknowledge His presence in our daily lives, we will be historical toast. Humility is a virtue and prayer works - no matter what brand it is, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu or Muslim. We are the UNITED STATES. He loves us all and is waiting for us to turn to Him. The Jewish history is full of those moments. Think about it.

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Jewish herstory is full of Memoirs of Failed Female Messiahs. That's close enough to the novel that non-Jewish (who knows? So much of genetics is mysterious....) songwriter and lively indie recording artist and mother Cindy Lee Berryhill published a decade or more ago. We've gotta make better use of available info wherever we can find it. We can't wait many more generations for Berryhill's recording and publishing catalogue to be certified OFFICIAL SCRIPTURES and KOSHER\PAREVE.....


Mitch Ritter Agent 27\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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This post, David, should be printed out on millions of sheets of paper and then dropped all over the country to float down into the hands of voters.

Thank you for spelling out the case against the traitor in such clear, unvarnished terms.

Why is it that we are unable to wake up from this national nightmare? It's as if we are standing on the tracks with a slow-moving locomotive approaching us. But we lack the common sense to step out of the way.

This is not the only answer, I know, but I certainly hold the press accountable for parsing Biden's every word multiple times over, while giving mere lip service to his immense accomplishments which serve to rank him, arguably, as our best President since World War II. That, and the fact that the press gives the brain-addled, racist, corrupt misogynist of a traitor a free pass with barely a wink and a nod.

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I sleep at night recalling the best political pros remind us that a very large part of the electorate doesn't tune in until the election gets close, They never have. De Toqueville remarked on it. Then, facts will displace "vibes" just enough, we must hope, to save us.

It's like Xmas shopping. A lot of us don't think about until we have to.

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While our leaders continue to screw around, it’s up to we the people to shitcan DJT, win the election, and take our country back. Our Dem leaders are OUR imperfect instruments.

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