Trump is a Terrorist Calling Himself a Freedom Fighter
Don't Fall for the Lie That Trump Has "Policies"--He Just Has Crimes He Has Yet to Commit
Every single time you engage in the delusion that Trump has a "policy position" on traditional issues you normalize him. Trump has no beliefs, no traditional policy views. For him, policies are like his blue suit & dumb long red ties, a costume he wears to hide who he really is.
Trump is a terrorist calling himself a freedom fighter.
This election is not about his tax policy versus that of Kamala Harris, even if he has proposals in that area. It is about the fact that he is a criminal, a traitor, a fraudster, a liar, the worst president in our history, a terrible human being who seeks to reward himself and his friends at the expense of everyone else. Everything he does is first and foremost about what is in it for him and occasionally for his supporters (because he needs to pay them off to get what he wants for himself.)
Journalists cite polls that say he is "trusted" on economic policy. This reveals the absurdity of most media coverage. He cratered the U.S. economy and left hundreds of thousands of Americans dead in the process. He stole for his family and took payoffs from our enemies. Either journalists misrepresented his term in office (they did) and/or a big chunk of so-called “low information voters” are actually “no information voters” (they are.)
His one traditional economic policy initiative was a tax cut that helped the richest and screwed everyone else. He doesn't have "policies" he has character flaws and vices. Presenting greed as a policy is like suggesting bank robbers have a plan for addressing income inequality.
The same is true in every area in which a traditional-sounding “policy position” is ascribed to Trump. Is throwing immigrants and their families into concentration camps a “tough immigration policy position” or a commitment to violate international law and the human rights of those targeted? What do you call promising to round up and jail those who support his opponents or who ruled in their favor in election disputes? Taking a strong stance on election law? Trump says his position on Gaza and Ukraine are “pro-peace.” That sounds normal. Virtuous even. But is that’s what they really are? Is supporting war criminals like Vladimir Putin or Benjamin Netanyahu pro-peace? Is promising to allow them to continue their slaughter of innocents at will a way of keeping our troops out of harm’s way?
He thinks we should ban wind farms because they kill birds? Is that a powerful avian outreach program? Is suspending the Constitution his courageous move to restore the Articles of Confederation?
Absurd? No more than suggesting that he has “a universal tariff policy” when he has no intention of implementing such a tariff (that’s a good thing because it would be a disaster for all Americans) and because he has no idea what a tariff is how it works. Just as he seems to have no idea how the defense commitment of NATO members work. Just as he seemed to think stealth fighters were actually invisible. Just as he seemed to think the national secrets of the U.S. were his to keep and sell as souvenirs to visitors to his cheeseball Florida resort.
And let’s be clear, in addition to his lack of knowledge, principles, ideas, commitment to public service or competence, Trump has no beliefs. That’s right the leader of the ideologues is ideology-less. Right now, all he cares about is staying out of jail. If he thought picking Bernie Sanders as his running mate or joining the squad would keep him out of the clink, he’d do it in the blinking of an eye.
As Vice President Harris has said, Trump is not a serious man. He is a grave threat. But the only policies he has ever had in his life were probably fire insurance policies on properties that were not performing that well if you get my drift.
The only way a rapist, racist, misogynist, criminal, traitor failed-president like Trump could have any support in an election contest is if rather than revealing the truth about him, reporters and commentators painted a mask on him and dressed him in the costume of a leader.
In other words, he is so obviously not fit to be president that you have to question the motives or judgment of those who would present him as otherwise. And…as I noted at the outset…suggesting he is a regular candidate doing regular candidate things is aiding and abetting the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on American voters.
Don’t let it happen. You can call out and challenge this sort of nonsense when you see it. Hopefully, during tomorrow’s debate Vice President Harris will do the same—as she has effectively throughout this campaign. She doesn’t have to make the whole debate an effort to call out Trump for the threat and the monster he is. But there will be opportunities to do so and I have every confidence she will seize them.
She must fight this. Real journalists must fight this. And each of us in our own way must fight this.
Reveal him for who he is. Use the hard words that describe him accurately. Don't call a lie or a fantasy an “alternative policy position” or “an alternative fact.” Stop playing his game. He is pretending to run for president when he is actually just desperately trying to stay out of jail. We don’t have to pretend with him.
Seriously, it would be a better bet for you to respond positively to that email from the distant prince who has millions he wants to share with you if you will only send him a few thousand to help get the transaction started. Or rather, it would be precisely the same bet: Serving yourself up as a sucker to a crook.
Thank you for having the courage to print The Truth. Oh, how I wish The Corporate Media would do the same. 🙂
This is the best summary of who Trump is I have ever read. Bravo!!